Social distancing stickers and COVID-19
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing stickers have helped pave the way throughout various businesses such as supermarkets, pubs and restaurants. Social distancing stickers have been an evolving product and have helped us all get used to the restrictions put into place by the government.
The general public and social distancing
Whilst in the comfort of their own homes, people have been trusted to act responsibly. With the use of social distancing stickers, the general public have been strongly advised to practice enforcing safety measures outside if their homes. For some, the distancing stickers have been a useful aid for helping them get used to the distancing rules.
Originally, social distancing stickers were used to reinstate the 2m distancing rules enforced by the government. Recently, due to the compromise of the general public, distancing rules were reduced to 1m. For a range of reasons, some have opted to stick to the 2m rule.
With the new government advice of “stay alert and safe”, social distancing stickers can help the general pubic with keeping a safe distance and also guiding them towards the eased distance restrictions. The stickers are easy to use, meaning they can always be adjusted as per the changes with restrictions.
How have social distancing stickers guided the public?
Social distancing stickers have also acted as traffic flow in a range of settings for the general public such as queueing outside supermarkets, keeping a distance whilst shopping and even which direction to walk in down the aisles of shops. Due to the changes of restrictions, some establishments have used bright coloured tape, arrows and even specific stickers which state the exact distance needed.
Due to the ease in distancing rules, some establishments have opted for the more relaxed social distancing stickers. This could help some get used to their “new normal” but still reinstating that we should be aware of the virus. The more relaxed stickers can also help children with remembering the rules without feeling too scared.
As the restrictions continue to change depending on the risk level, we should expect to continue to see social distancing stickers in a wide range of public spaces.